Find out the top imported commodities in Hyderabad with Hyderabad ICD Imports - Mumbai

Friday, 14 July, 2017

Item details

City: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Aman Deep Yadav
Phone +91-11-41325515

Item description

Gold, shotgun cartridges, air gun pellets, telephone sets, silver, electrical machines and apparatus are the major commodities which import to Hyderabad from different parts of the globe. If you in the business of importation in Hyderabad, you must have an updated version of Hyderabad ICD Import Data. We at SEAIR Exim solutions not only provide import data but understand our clients business and help them to grow their business. We believe in getting accurate and error free data that is why we collect it from actual shipment bills and direct Hyderabad custom office.

Name: Aman Deep Yadav
Phone: +91-11-41325515