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Ayurvedic treatment for IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Mumbai
Friday, 30 October, 2009
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Mumbai, Maharashtra
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Mission: Our goal is to increase the general public's knowledge on IBS and to help support people with this most distressing condition . For more information visit A hundred year ago, digestive problems were not so common but its incidence has risen alarmingly in the last few decades due to our changing lifestyle. Nutritional imbalance in the diet (such as today’s fast food, which is rich in sodium and cholesterol but poor in fiber, vitamins and calcium) may lead to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Moreover, the modern life is fast & competitive from cradle to the grave, creating a lot of stress that further enhances the risk of IBS by suppressing immune system of the body What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) ? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the common functional disorder of digestive system. In people with IBS, the intestines squeeze too hard or not hard enough and cause food to move too quickly or too slowly through the intestines. The colon, the five feet of the intestine, serves two functions in the body. First, it dehydrates and stores the stool so that, normally, a well-formed soft stool occurs. Second, it quietly propels the stool from the right side over to the rectum, storing it there until it can be evacuated. This movement occurs by rhythmic contractions of the colon. When IBS occurs, the colon does not contract normally. instead, it seems to contract in a disorganized, at times violent, manner. The contractions may be terribly exaggerated and sustained, lasting for prolonged periods of time. One area of the colon may contract with no regard to another. At other times, there may be little bowel activity at all. These abnormal contractions result in changing bowel patterns with constipation and diarrhea being most common. Researchers estimate that IBS affects 20% globally , although in some countries this figure is as high as 30% of the population. IBS occurs significantly more often in women than in men but this ratio shifts elsewhere. For example, in India, a diagnosis of IBS is more common in men than in women. IBS can begin in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood and can resolve unexpectedly for periods throughout an individual's lifespan, recurring at any age. If you have been experiencing the majority of the above symptoms for an extended period of time, then you should seek medical attention and have your doctor diagnose you. There are certain symptoms by which you can determine yourself if you have IBS: Common symptoms of IBS · Constipation or diarrhea · Change in bowel habit · Bloating , abdominal pain and discomfort · Diarrhea, especially after eating or first thing in the morning · Feeling like you still need to have a bowel movement after you've already had one (incomplete evacuation ) · Abdominal pain and cramping that may go away after having a bowel movement · Mucus in stool · Bad smelling stool · Fatigue without doing work · Decreased appetite & tastelessness · Body weakness Medical doctors most often prescribe antispasmodics and bulk laxatives in an attempt to suppress their patients’ symptoms. . More often than not, this type of treatment is not very effective, so that the IBS sufferers tend to become more depressed. The doctor’s response is likely to be prescriptions for antidepressants, with side effects that are likely outweigh benefits. The basis of the problem with conventional medicine is that medical doctors mostly address the symptoms of disease rather than the causes. Such an approach not only results in side effects, but it also blocks bio-chemical pathways and interferes with natural healing. Many people with irritable bowel syndrome, turn to laxatives to relieve constipation, but laxatives usually offer limited help. Although laxatives do ease constipation, there's no proof that they relieve stomach aches, bloating, and discomfort that come with IBS. That's because the drugs have never been thoroughly studied for the treatment of IBS in randomized controlled trials. This does not mean laxatives are out of the picture for IBS sufferers with constipation. Some doctors recommend them to increase the number of bowel movements.. If you're considering laxatives for IBS-related constipation, make sure to talk with your doctor first. Scientifically researched herbal treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome If you are one of these victims, then its time for change!! There is no need to tolerate IBS any longer, for now thanks to science, we have the best treatment that can end your suffering for good For more information and clarifications visit website